What Makes A Good Submission/The Models Resource

The Model
Does it have all of the textures included? Sometimes model editors only copy the texture that is immediately applied to the mesh. Make sure to get all of them, even if the textures aren't copied when exported.
Texture Format
The Models Resource only allows textures to be in .PNG format. It doesn't allow any other format. Make sure that textures are in the .PNG format.
The Mesh
Does the model have unneeded parts, such as extra faces or vertices? Models should be optimized as possible.
A model can have bones in order to be animated easier. Though not necessary, it is a good option for the bones to be included, though the Models Resource only accepts the .dae format.
The (Small) Model Icon
Does the Small Icon show what the model is about? Is it 148x125? The Models Resource only allows the icon to be 148 by 125.
The (Big) Model Icon
The Big Icon needs to have a depiction of the model rendered in it's default pose. It needs also to be 750 by 650.